Tuesday 3 April 2012

You're just a lonely star.

There has been one news story dominating my Facebook and my Twitter today, and once again it is nothing potentially threatening to life as we know it; but a feature by a woman called Samantha Brick.
The feature entitled "There are downsides to looking this pretty: Why women hate me for being beautiful" had created endless amounts of complaints on both my newsfeeds so I decided that I would read it. When I did, I was genuinely surprised at how this woman seems to view herself. I am fully supportive of women who have confidence in themselves because let's face it, not many women are any more thanks to the recent media portrayal. But does no one else believe that this is stepping straight over the line of confidence and straight into arrogance?
The whole feature, is basically about how this woman receives gifts on a regular basis purely because of her "pleasing appearance and pretty smile".
After getting shamefully irate over how this woman seems to view herself; I decided to see if she had a twitter (because let's face it, who doesn't these days?) which only led me to become more frustrated. Not to say that Mrs Brick isn't a pretty woman for a 40 year old, but she just screams for attention with tweets such as "To all my new male followers: I'm flattered, but I'm not surprised." Despite the fact she concludes her story about how she wishes she weren't so beautiful so she could fit in.
Obviously I do understand that her whole article rambles on and on about how women are jealous of her for being beautiful, and as I am female I'm sure that she would say that this whole post is written out of pure jealousy. (Trust me, I'm a 20 year old woman; I am not particularly jealous seeing as I have yet to get any wrinkles). Even if I were jealous of Mrs Brick, I can assure you that it wouldn't be over her good looks but for her jobs in the media industry. That being said, at least we can rule out women being jealous of how modest she is.

Since today's post on The Mail Online, Samantha Bricks has become something of an "Online Celebrity", so I decided to look back at some of her previous articles and noticed that despite the fact in her recent post she assures as that she is not smug, and she is no flirt; there is a post from August 2011 under the title "I use my sex appeal to get ahead at work... and so does ANY woman with any sense."
Now I have to admit that this article hit me a little harder than the previous one, not only because once again she has spent the whole article talking about how pretty she is, (which is a common occurrence throughout her columns) but she clearly states that NO woman can become successful in her profession unless she flirts (or sleeps) her way there.
I find this more disgusting than anything, for I believe that women have fought to get to where they are today. Women have died. Yet this historical idea that women are not as good as men in their workplaces still exists, and apparently even women think so too. While I am not completely naive to what goes on when you want a job in the media industry, I refuse to believe that I will get to where I want in life by being the sex pet of my boss.

Yet if I go further back to an article written in 2010, I find a story called "How TV is run by sexist pigs who only want one thing (and it's not ratings): A shocking inside account from a former TV exec". This story basically tells the audience about how she has made her way up the career ladder through sheer hard work.

My point is, that once I'd worked out how much this arrogant woman contradicts herself, I got slightly less angry and felt more pity. Pity at the woman who seems to believe that women truly hate her because she is incredibly unlucky for being beautiful (when in fact she is nothing more than average looking). Pity for the woman who doesn't realise that the reason people probably don't really like her because they are disgusted by her obvious lack of morals, lack of consideration for other people and the fact that she still believes that the only way you will become successful is if you are pretty or give your bosses sexual favours.

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