Monday 6 December 2010

There will be others, but you'll never leave my mind for good.

This weekend, for once wasn't actually that bad.
I got asked to work on Friday, so I decided that as I wasn't doing anything it would probably be a good idea, I checked with Chelsea to see if we were meant to be doing something, but she said she had the funeral to go to, so probably not. Of course, once I had gotten to work, she messaged me asking if I was busy and did I want to go round Tyler's for a film night, which I obviously told her I couldn't, and got slightly annoyed because if I'd have known that we had something to do I wouldn't have agreed to work.
As it goes, work wasn't actually that bad; I was working with two boys from the rugby team who I really get on with, so it was a laugh really. Watching Luke get all annoyed about the chavvy boys who kept coming up with fake IDs, when they were wearing tracksuits was actually hilarious. And while I was there they kept asking me to come out, in the end I said yes because I wasn't really in the mood for going home, so we walked to the town from work. It was snowing and we were with four other boys at this point, who were pretty amazed that I was having so much fun sliding around in the snow and that I was so childish, but they joined in with me, so we all had a little bit of fun.
Then when we got to town, we went to this place called Sourz, where Davies bought me a drink called a Hannah Special, which is pretty much a shit mix with some orange juice and a load of spirits, absolutely vile, but pretty lethal. Whilst I was drinking this and having a laugh with the rubgy lads, I was approached by a girl, who was obviously a lesbian (not that I have anything wrong with lesbians), she came to ask me whether I'd seen someone called Carly, I told her I hadn't because I didn't know who she was. She then asked me whether I wanted a drink, which I kindly turned down because I wasn't drinking, and the drink I had in my hand was obviously orange juice ;) Then she started pulling me towards her and saying it didn't matter, her wife was at home and she was just out looking for a bit of fun. This is where I told her that I was straight, and not really up for that kind of thing, and she said that things like that didn't matter. At that point she was holding onto my jacket, so I turned round to the boys and asked them to help me. Of course, they didn't. They stood there laughing while as I tried to turn around she said "Oh, so now you're trying to run away from me?", I wasn't really a big fan of that, and as soon as I had the chance, I went out for a cigarette, where Charlie told me that if she came over again he'd tell her that I was his girlfriend, which I personally thought was slightly useless because it was a little late by then.
But then we went to another club, and I ended up walking home and having a really nice chat with Luke while I waited for him to get a cab to his from mine, and it was probably the best night out I've had in a while.
Then I had work on Saturday, and I recovered. But yesterday I went to London with Elliott, we'd planned to meet at half 12, so I got all ready and went to catch a bus. After standing at the bus stop for half an hour I phoned mum up and told her that the bus hadn't turned up and I had 5 minutes to catch the bus at town to get to Epping, which I managed to make because she came and picked me up. And after a lovely day in London, I got back to Epping at around half 6, then I had to wait 40 minutes for a bus, in -3 temperatures, so I was pretty damn cold by the time the bus came. I'd warmed up just as the bus had got to the town, and I sat down in the bus shelter to wait for another bus that I could get home, which it turned out I had missed and had to wait an hour for. After waiting for over an hour, and still no bus, I decided to walk home, where I got followed by four blokes shouting obscenities at me. I got so scared in the end I called mum and she came to meet me. Now I've worked out I definitely have to learn to drive, because it was ridiculous.
Although in good news, I can get an A* in photography this year, and my teacher has told me that I have to, so I should be able to definitely get into Southampton university next year :)!

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