Tuesday 25 May 2010

I'm feeling like a star, you can't stop my shine

So apparently I've done it again.
I've said I was going to write this blog, yet once again I haven't.
But it's not only Blogspot I've been neglecting, it's dailybooth, twitter, youtube.
I'm just an epic failure, and busy busy busy with college work, and work, and home life, I'm sorry Blogspot :(

So basically, nothing really that interesting is happening at the moment. Apart from the fact my mothers face has swollen up like a balloon from an allergic reaction that we can't possibly think of what it could be. And I have finished my coursework, starting from tomorrow when I hand in my epic amounts of photography coursework. I'm starting to get annoyed though, at the amount of money I'm spending and the lack of hours my work are giving me. It's sickening me that I do 8 hours a week, which basically means around £50 a week, and I'm really struggling. But I won't continue to let work get me down all the time; despite the fact that everyone is leaving and I haven't even attempted to start looking for a new job because I'm so lazy. Onto the actual subject though, it's just so tempting to go out, and waste all my money on alcohol to strangely release me from college. The thought of staying there another year is killing me, but I need to get some UCAS points, so I won't be stuck working on a till for the rest of my life, which I really cannot deal with. So I've been going out, spending my money and getting drunk, for the most pointless reasons, and the worst thing is, I'm not even having that much fun anymore.
The last time I got out of Harlow to go out was in Epping. And it was so appalling that it's put me off Epping for life. But I can't afford to travel anywhere else, and it's actually quite depressing.
As well as that, I appeared to have developed feelings for someone, which doesn't actually happen that often, and as usual, my "philophobia", which is the fear attachment, or falling in love; got in the way and I lost him to another girl. That'll teach me for actually thinking about becoming a pansy I guess. But I'm not too bothered, there will be plenty more fish in the sea when I actually decide to go out 2 days in a row this weekend ;)

Anyway; I must head off, due to the fact that my laptop has precisely 7 minutes of battery remaining, and somehow I need to try and get to sleep so that I'll actually wake up in time.
I just wanted to let everyone know that I'm alive, and that I'll try and do this blog from now on ;)

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