Tuesday 23 November 2010

You may say that I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one.

I suppose I've had worse days than today, I basically had college stupidly early, which I struggled with a lot. I seem to be getting the worst nights sleep at the moment, and it's making me feel so grumpy when I wake up. But I walked into college, because I couldn't get any money out for the bus, seeing as I forgot my pin and I ended up all annoyed because I couldn't afford cigarettes. I think it says something bad when I get annoyed over that, because I should really be quitting soon. It's too cold to constantly go outside, just to kill myself on a little stick, that frankly is a waste of money and doesn't even taste good. I don't think it's a matter of addiction though, I think everyone is addicted to the habit; because lets face it, if you don't think about smoking, you don't need a cigarette, as soon as you think about it... bam, and it's in your mind until you can have one.
I think this just shows that I need to fill my time more productively, leading to me not being so cold at break and lunchtimes, and also saving money.
Anyway, I spoke to my teacher today, and basically told her about the fact that I wanted to quit doing my course after a year, so that I could go to university. It's not that I don't love my course, but I had always said that I wanted to take a year out and then go, but the fact that A Levels wouldn't let me back in kind of ruined that for me. And then when I got the chance to go into a 2 year course, I thought I'd try that, as journalism is something that really interests me.
But a few months ago, I was considering if that was the best option for me, and decided that I would much rather go to university as my classes at the moment aren't really challenging me and I'm finishing my work at a distinction level, much faster than anyone else in my class.
I told my teacher about it, and she said that it probably was the best thing for me to do that, and to try and talk to guidance about it; who made me phone Southampton University.
I spoke to them, and they basically said that with the grades I have in my A Levels (they wouldn't take my 2 AS levels), I didn't have enough to get in unless I got a distinction in all my work this year, so I'm now working extremely hard. As well as this, I'm retaking my photography A2, as I got a C last year, and I was really hoping for an A.
Then I basically applied on UCAS, sorted out all my stuff, and waited until quarter past five, sorting out all my photography work until my mum had finished work (she doesn't like me walking home at the moment). I'd had a pretty stressful say, so she bought me a medium pizza to myself and a whole bottle of coke, which definitely made up for it to an extent.
And then, I found out that I have tomorrow off for some teacher training thing, I'm definitely looking forward to this lay-in ;)

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