Sunday 12 December 2010

I'm terrified to speak, but you'd expect that from me.

This weekend has been so busy, I've literally been doing things
non-stop, but I don't mind. And here is the story why.
As everyone knows, I've been so down the past few weeks, and I can't really explain why. Chelsea told me that to make me feel better I should go out on Thursday. I didn't really want to, but I thought that as I had got my 3 distinctions in Journalism, I should go out and celebrate.
I met Tyler after work, and we went back to hers and made some dinner, which was pretty tasty. And we started drinking at like half 5. We got ready and waited for Chelsea to come over, and Tyler was drunk by the time that Chelsea had got there. I don't blame her really, as we had gone through a bottle of Archers, making glasses of about 4 shots of Archers to a tiny bit of lemonade. And then when Chelsea got there, she had about 2 glasses of Apple Sourz and lemonade, and got smashed, for some reason I was the only sober one.
Anyway, we got a cab up town, and then we were sitting in spoons with some of Tyler's friends. Chelsea and Tyler sat on their blackberry's, and I don't really know the people we were sitting with, but they had no intention of getting to know me, so I just kind of sat in silence.
Shortly after that, at about half 12, I was considering going home, Chelsea had already started crying about a boy, Tyler was drunk complaining about a boy, and I was completely sober with no money to drink. And then Chelsea just said "One second" and rushed off leaving me and Tyler at the table. I was so confused, and then when I turned around Hannah had appeared in Spoons.
I almost cried, I was so happy to see her.

I still wasn't to happy though, and I really wanted to go home, but I went to CM's with her because the whole reason she had come down on Thursday night was to surprise me, which made me so happy. And we had a pretty good night. When we got a cab home though, she had realised that she hadn't brought her keys, so I told her that she could stay at mine, that mum wouldn't mind and we'd find a way to confuse her in the morning. When we got in at about 4, I walked into the bathroom and my mum called me to see if I'd only just got in. I told her that I had a surprise and then Hannah walked in. She told me she already knew about it, which made me realise how much of a closely guarded secret it was. Then we went out together on Friday night for my friends birthday, and had quite a laugh, it was so much fun to see everyone from the old college crew and see what everyone was doing with their lives. It made me realise that it isn't that bad still being at college, because at least I'm doing something to go towards what I actually want to do, which is better than some of them who didn't go to university and are now in full time jobs. And then work from 9am to 6pm, which went faster than I thought it would, and also gives me more money, so I might actually be able to afford some Christmas presents and start saving up for New Years. Things are looking up :')
Oh, and I hope Matt Cardle wins XFactor tonight. Just saying.

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