Friday 30 September 2011

There's got to be something better than in the middle.

And there is! I've recently moved to Southampton so that I could attend university; so I thought I'd start up my blog again.
I have to say, that moving here was probably the best things I have ever done. Obviously I miss home a lot, but not as much as I thought I would. It's definitely been difficult having to leave my mum and my friends (and most importantly my cat) at home, but I realised after the first night that I'm going to be back soon. I can't dwell on the fact that I miss what I'm used to. Despite how much I hate change, I knew that this would be the most challenging part of my life to date, and I also know that I'm too stubborn to give up.
We've had our introductory week this week, and I met a lot of people from my class, whom I have been going out with in town, and learning the student relationship with alcohol. And so far, I have really been loving it here. I think that the most difficult part for me, was moving into a house with people that I have never met before, which led to me being quite reluctant when it came to meeting them, and wanting to get to know them. Although even this has been easier than I thought it would be. I have two housemates from Bulgaria, who are lovely. Second years who met in the first year and then decided to live together this year; as a lot of second year students do. Obviously as they know each other they tend to keep to themselves, but they always try and make the effort to talk to me when I come in from uni, which is quite nice.
My third housemate is from Slovakia, and speaks hardly any English at all, which makes it quite hard to have a proper conversation with her. This has meant that we haven't really had the time to get to know eachother, and we haven't spoken very much at all (other than for her to tell me 10 minutes before that she was throwing a party for her boyfriend here).
My friends at uni are actually lovely, and I really enjoy going out with them, and meeting their friends (as they all live in halls) which makes it a lot easier for me to meet people, and a lot easier for me to put myself out there.
As for my actual course, I am quite excited to start on Tuesday, judging by what has happened this past week. But for now, I have to sleep.
So I'll start up again properly on Tuesday :)


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