Thursday 26 January 2012

I had the time of my life fighting dragons with you.

The understanding, is that now I need to remember to use this blog for university. Just random ramblings, but also some work. So I'm going to try and post every day, if not every week.
Sometimes it feels a bit odd, talking to no one. I don't browse blogspot enough to know that many blogs to get my name out there, which means that I don't think anyone will actually ever read this unless my class decides to follow me.
A breakdown of what has happened since my last blog post.
  • More arguments with the Slovakian house mates. Over them being ridiculously loud and just generally messy and annoying.
  • I went home for Christmas, which was lovely; a little quite, but lovely nonetheless.
  • Almost didn't come back to University.
  • Turned 20!
  • Didn't even get drunk...
  • Came back to Uni and didn't even have to start for 2 weeks.
  • One of my house mates asked me why I was wearing odd socks, and she was wearing socks and sandals. Hypocrite.
  • Started classes again.
Since starting back at university, I've actually found out that the girl I was going to move in with next year, actually might not be here next year. So I'm in exactly the same position that I ended up in before I came here, meaning that until someone tells me what is going on, I'm probably going to have no one to live with next year, which sucks big time.
I got a little upset again over the fact that I'm not actually in halls, as its extremely hard trying to make a close bond with people that I only see 3 days a week for a few hours, and although I've made a small group of friends I'm still struggling.
In all honesty, coming to university was probably one of the best things I have ever done, although I do sometimes sit and think about whether this course is the right one for me. It's not that I particularly struggle. But with all the competition, I really don't think that I'm going to stand out enough to try and get a decent job, let alone the job that I really want in MTV studios. It may just be me being overly critical of all of my work (which I am known to do quite a lot), but sometimes I sit here and wonder if I'm actually going to pass this course let alone be a successful journalist.
Just a few quick thoughts so that I have actually posted a blog, but this blog will now also show my attempts of journalism stories, music reviews (if I ever like them enough to post them) and just general news stories with my opinions.
I'll give it a go anyway I suppose.

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